
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Thank you to Bibiana

Hi everyone

Just a quick post today to let you know a few things. 

Firstly and most importantly I want to say a big thank you to Bibiana for sending me this beautiful card and gift.   She did it out of the goodness of her heart just to say thank you. 

My Gifts

It means the world to me and she certainly cheered me up today.   My eldest son left this morning to work away for a few months and I'm feeling lost and lonely as he has been my companion and company for years now.   It's so hard as you know the day has to come but you never imagine it would feel like this.  He's 21 so he's finally a man now and can look after himself but it still doesn't stop me worrying lol. 

Also just wanted to say I'm still here , just been busy making DT cards.  Will post a card or project by the end of the week.  

Please go and hop on over and visit bibiana's blog as it is just really good and her creations are fab! Bibiana Blog

Have a lovely day everyone. 
Much love to all
Sharon xxx 


  1. hello sharon;
    I am so glad that I could bring a smile into your life...believe me! I totally understand you...I know how hard is a separation from someone that you love...but you have the comfort feeling to know that you can still reach for that person, he is alive!...he is gone physically but plan and think in future gatherings..meanwhile reach for the people around you and do not stay alone...I will be so happy if we e-mail each other contact me one of these days...too bad that we are in different continents :)...but we can still visit each other through our blogs...keep in touch
    your new friend


  2. Sharon, oh poor you nothing worse than one of your children leaving the nest, but as you say he is 21 and can see to himself. But believe you me he will be back before you know it and if he is anything like my three he will be on the phone pretty regularly.
    That's was so kind of Bibiana and you have friends who blog who are always thinking of you. ((((Hugs))))

    Hazel x

  3. Hi Sharon,
    lovely present from Bibiana. She certainly is a fabulous craft person. Her creations and tutorials are amazing.
    So sorry to hear about your Son working away. As they say needs must, and I'm sure he will be back for visits.
    Have a wonderful crafty day.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.


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