
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Wings of life

Good afternoon fellow blogger friends!

I hope you are having a great start to the day. Thank you once again for your comments, thoughts and time. I know I say it on every post but like many others on here it does mean a lot to me that you take time to look and comment.

My card today features a beautiful bird! I adore birds , the wings of life and they are so beautiful! I love all kinds of animals and I'm an animal lover.

The patterned paper, blank card and decoupage are from Hunkydory! The inside of the card , the insert is also a pop up feature from Hunkydory. I love this card and it was easy to do but I blinged it up with glitter and gems. The image inside the aperture is also from the same decoupage sheet. Beautiful flowers and bird. When you open the card the flower image inside pops up which is done by folding it down and sticking on the inside of the card which also covers the image inside the aperture so it looks tidy. I finished of with a sentiment on the bottom of the card and Pinflair glaze.

Easy but effective. Especially glittered and with gems.

I'd like to enter this card into the following challenges pls:

Red carpet studio challenge blog -Birds

Creative card crew challenge blog -Birds

Top tip Tuesday challenge -Things with wings

Deep ocean challenge blog -Anything goes

ABC challenge -Zoo

Perfect sentiments challenge -Birds and blooms

Word art Wednesday challenges - Blessings from god- wings of life (Birds)

Flutter by Wednesday challenges - Any winged creature

Crafty bloggers network blog -Anything goes

House of gilli challenges -Anything goes

My grafico crafts blog -Anything goes

Crafty mess challenge -Anything goes

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Many hugs
Sharon xxx


  1. This is gorgeous love the design and the colours are beautiful. Caroline xxx

  2. What a beautiful card! Love the image and all the pretty flowers and the card design is so unique! Thanks for joining us for the Perfect Sentiments Anniversary Celebration!

  3. This is gorgeous Sharon. I love the colours and the beautiful bird


  4. This is SO pretty,Sharon. I love how it catches the light and shines with color. What a great card, and thanks so much for sharing it in our challenge this week and blessing us with your talents. Have a super blessed week!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

    1. Red Carpet Studio and Creative Card Crew also have bird challenges this week. You might want to link up to those as well, and good luck with them all. Beautiful project!

    2. Thank you Karen that's really kind of you to let me know. Hugs xxx

  5. Good Evening, What a fantastic card, I love the concept.
    Happy Crafting


  6. A very clever card Sharon. The bird is lovely. Christine.

  7. Hi Sharon,
    another fantastic card. Love the birds and wow that flower in the center is divine. Good luck with your challenges.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  8. Awesome card. Love the birds and boy did you bling it up... Beautiful. Thanks for joining us at The Perfect Sentiment.

  9. Morning Sharon, I love, love, love your card, the bird is absolutely stunning, the papers and flowers are beautiful and the card has a certain 'oriental' feel to it, I love it.
    Good Luck with your challenges.
    I, too, am an animal lover.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. This is so sweet! Love it. Love the colors,the bird and the cut out circles.

    Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.


  11. Very pretty card, thanks for joining us at ABC for our challenge

  12. This is beautiful what you've done here. The amazing flower in the circle looks like the prettiest shiny brooch and the glossy layering is wonderful. What a very lovely design for your card and the colors really pop out at you!

    Thank you so much for playing along with us at Top Tip Tuesday!
    Remember you can enter up to 3 projects and 3 tips.
    Have a great one!
    Lisa xx

  13. wow this is gorjuss, love the colours you have used as well, thank you for playing with us at Craftymess challenge Blog

    Judie xx

  14. This is a lovely card. The colours are very pretty. Thanks for playing along at Creative Card Crew. Cheers FiLoMa DT

  15. Wow, I love everything about your card. The colors are so bright and the bird and flowers were just pure awesomeness. Thanks for blessing us with your artwork at Word Art Wednesday and hope to see you in our Challenges every week. Praying for blessings in your life.

    JO ANN

  16. this is absolutely gorgeous. TFS over at CCC this time
    Elaine DT

  17. Oh my..what a lovely creation!
    Very pretty and so neat and different!

    Thanks for posting up at ABC as well!


  18. Really stunning! Those shimmering pinks are beautiful. Thankyou for joining us this month at Crafty Bloggers Network.

    Geraldine M
    CBN DT

  19. really pretty hun, love your bird popping off the page and all the shimmering shine!! :)

  20. Your paper, bird and flower go really well together. I love all the glimmer and bling as well as your pop-up feature. Thanks for sharing your art with us at The Perfect Sentiments.

  21. Sharon, your card is absolutely stunning~ I love the bird, the embellishments, paper and the floral pop up inside is fabulous. Thanks for playing along with us at the Perfect Sentiment Birthday Blog Hop. Good Luck!


I love reading your comments. They bring me hope and encouragement to keep blogging for all to see. Any comments will be thoroughly read and appreciated. Thank you very much for your time in viewing my blog and your comments.